With over 170 volcanoes in its territory Including 23 active volcanoes In one of the smallest countries in the world with only twenty 21041 square kilometers, It’s no wonder that Salvador is also known as the land of volcanoes where up to 90% of the territory is formed by rich volcanic material, this may also be the reason for El Salvador’s world-class coffee. However, six volcanoes are known for their size as well as their seismic activity today we’ll be taking a look at the volcano of San Salvador, despite its name this natural beauty is located about 11 kilometers from the San Salvador capital and located in between the Quezaltepeque San Juan Opico and Nueva San Salvador Municipalities, at the La Libertad department.

Even though it is perfectly safe to visit this majestic volcano, it’s known to have some minor volcanic activity such as the expulsion of gases as well as some minor seismic activity. This volcano is divided into two masses the first is called El Picacho and the more well-known El Boqueron which is part of El Boqueron National Park where it receives hundreds of visitors every month and where there are many safe walking trails to the top of the crater and where you’ll find some of the most magnificent views overlooking the city of San Salvador. if you love hiking you will love the volcano of San Salvador with its 1893 meters of elevation at El Boqueron and 1959 Meters at El Picacho side of the volcano, however, if you’re not into hiking you will love the myriad of restaurants and bars with lots of different cuisines you can find here from cafes, to steak houses to good old pizzerias and many with great views.
The majestic views, the hiking, fresh air, and great food alone make the San Salvador volcano a destination you must visit while in El Salvador.